The dike at Yder Bjerrum
For many years there used to be two farmhouses here, but now there is only one left “Bjerrum Vestergård”. Both farms were located on a drumlin, 6 meters above sea level. One of these farms also had an inn. In previous times, before it became a canal in 1865, the river (Ribe Å) went very close by the inn that was well visited by sea men and other guests. The last people to run the inn from the 15th century, were Karen and Thyge Thygesen. Nearby there were barracks and a small market for those who worked on the dike 1910-14. They visited the inn as well. By the time the canal and the lock were finished, there was no further need for the inn, so Karen and Thyge built a new one near the lock. In the 1950´s they sold it to Gerda and Martin Bruun. They had great success with their “sat ål” – fried eel. Even today there is a hotel/restaurant.