Fløjdiget – the wing dike
The decision to build a dike here was made after a flooding in 1909. The local member of the Danish parliament, Søren Brorsen, was an important politician behind the passing of the dike law, which ensured the financial part. A new flooding in 1911 delayed the process and showed the importance a 6 meter high dike.
The first part of the construction was the wing dike near Vester Vedsted to prevent floodings from behind as the Germans didn´t want to build dikes. The wing dike goes from the see and almost all the way to the town of Egebæk. The project included four water locks and a wing dike near Darum.
When Sønderjylland became part of Denmark again in 1920, the construction of a 13 km long dike near Rejsby -the Kong Chr.X´s Dige- began. In august 1923 a terrible accident occurred when a flooding took the lives of 19 workers. The inauguration of the dike was in 1928.